Welcome to the Warwickshire Local History Society

Warwickshire and Solihull Community and Voluntary Action Volunteer Day

WLHS are pleased to be supporting the Warwickshire and Solihull Community and Voluntary Action (CAVA) Volunteer Day, which will be held at Market Hall Museum, Market Square, Warwick on Wednesday 5th June from 12.30 pm to 4 pm.  Come and support us as we join with lots of other local organisations to promote what we do and attract new volunteers to our society.  We already have a dedicated team of volunteers who manage our membership subscriptions, plan evening talks and outings, edit our award winning journal and much more. 

We are always looking for more people to help share the work.  Interested?  We currently have vacancies for a secretary, a Chair, a Treasurer and for people with an expertise in marketing (including social media).  Or if you don't have a particular role in mind, you can join our committee and get involved on a more ad-hoc basis. Come along to the Volunteer Day on Wednesday 5th June or get in touch by emailing info@warwickshirehistory.org.uk

Spring Bulletin 2024

Our Spring Bulletin is now available to read.  Click here to download a copy: Spring 2024 Bulletin.  Or visit our Publications Page.

WLHS has a new Programme Secretary (Lectures)

Following Jim Ranahan's successful tenure of this post, we are pleased to announce that we have a new Programmes Secretary (Lectures).  Dr Ruth Barbour will be building on her existing experience as our very capable secretary to plan our programme of evening lectures into the 2023/24 season.  We are excited to sample her new programme, further details of which can be found on our events page, together with information on when and where we meet.

Join the Warwickshire Local History Society

Would you like to join the Warwickshire Local History Society? Visit our Members Page for a summary of the benefits, and to apply.

Publications: A new cumulative Warwickshire Bibliography is now available. See link on our Publications page;  please let us know of any errors or omissions.

Forthcoming events

See our WLHS EVENTS page for further details on past and future talks..

Other information from around the County

Events Run by Other Local History Societies.  Go to our OTHER EVENTS page for more information on what events our affiliated socieities are running across the county.  


The winter lectures are free to WLHS members and members of affiliated Local History Societies. We now charge non-members £3.00 -- refundable on the night when joining the Society

For enquiries and bookings for forthcoming events, contact Rowan Fisher (Outings) at rowanfisher367@gmail.com or Ruth Barbour (Talks) at info@warwickshirehistory.org  


Meetings from October to April 7.30pm,
with coffee from 7.00pm,
Aylesford School, Tapping Way, Warwick,
CV34 6XR 

Click here for directions

For the Society's programme see our WLHS Events page.

The Society's twice-yearly news bulletin includes contains society news and details of forthcoming local history lectures.
Read the latest Bulletin